Xamarin.Forms Formatted text

In this post I will write about Formatted text, this is very useful when you want to have different colors or styles in the same label. Actually Label have property FormattedText that allow to put text with different styles in the same. To do it, you need to add a List of Span, each Span has four properties, you can use all or only one, depends of you.

  • Text 
  • Font 
  • ForegroundColor 
  • BackgroundColor

Now a small Example of it:
public class TestPage : ContentPage
        public TestPage ()
            FormattedString fs = new FormattedString ();
            fs.Spans.Add (new Span(){Text="Hello "});
            fs.Spans.Add (new Span(){Text="Xamarin Forms ", FontSize=12, FontAttributes=FontAttributes.Bold});
            fs.Spans.Add (new Span(){Text="Is awesome!!",ForegroundColor=Color.Green});

            Content = new StackLayout { 
                Children = {
                    new Label { FormattedText=fs,

And code working in iOS and Android:

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